Asbestos Removal Haringey
Where can asbestos be found?
Exposure to asbestos has been ranked as one of the most immediate dangers people can still spot in their households. It is far from being a common knowledge that the removals of asbestos have not always been very thorough and a lot of people simply did not jump on that bandwagon and chose to ignore the risk. And there are very severe consequences that have to be borne in mind – with contracting asbestosis and cancer being the worst-case scenarios. Fortunately, there are now companies which are now ready to tackle this issue head-on and provide you with a squeaky clean and safe living environment.
How dangerous is asbestos?
If you still remain unconvinced that asbestos can pose a deadly risk, let us remind you of a story. The World Trade Center Towers were built a couple of decades ago and contained a lot of this material, which used to be perceived as an extremely affordable and universal substance that can be implemented in a plethora of places. Unfortunately, when the towers collapsed, the toxic asbestos fibres have been released into the air which made them eerily available for inhalation. That noxious environment took a tremendous toll on the rescue workers who tried to save people and dispose of the rubble. Their glorious effort, regrettably, has often contributed to them developing severe, often incurable diseases shortly after the 9/11. A vast majority of people working in the area of WTC complains of different ailments and has to be on medication.
How should one approach asbestos?
That situation is not radically different in ordinary dwellings in places such as Haringey. If you are unlucky enough to live in a building partially made of asbestos, any kind of redecoration (especially if it involves demolition) carries a great risk of leading to a release of the asbestos fibres. That is why it is best to have your place tested against the presence of this substance. Otherwise, you run the risk of living next to a potentially deadly substance that can radically shorten your life.